Friday, November 29, 2019

A Strong Central Government Essays

A Strong Central Government Essays A Strong Central Government Essay A Strong Central Government Essay A Strong Central Government In the 21st century Washington should have greater power to dictate national policy because the central government of the federated self-governing state speaks and acts for the entire country with its relations and dealings with foreign governments. In this sense, the national government is the sole holder of self-government. Only the national government can operate as the government of a completely independent political community. The national constitution gives the central government control over matters of common concern to the country as a whole and permits the constituent political communities to regulate matters of more local concern. The states and the federal government are considered supreme in their own sphere of power, although there is considerable overlap (Cropf, p. 106). Understanding that the states cannot make laws that supersede that of the federal government, it is my belief that in the arenas concerning education, health and others the federal government has and should have a greater power of force than local government since we all are aware from experience how local government has and can be influenced by local customs, such as the desire and belief in slavery by southern states. If not for the force of the federal government, slavery would still be legal in the few states. The federal system uses the states to rein in the power of central government, and vice versa (Cropf, p. 06). Lately, you would think with the advent of such political voices as the Tea Party and other so called reformist groups, that the federal powers are a hindrance the average person. I for one disagree. If I could on my on amend the document that give us the freedoms we enjoy, I would give more power to the federal government for the collective to better be in agreemen t. The federal government acts as a central focal point for the states and in an ideal setting the collective voice of the states would be the law of the land, understanding that the lawmakers are a body of people from the states. Yes, it is popular to think that the federal law comes from some entity we don’t know, but truth be told the federal laws we enjoy are the product of the states through their reps making collective laws for the collective. States and local government are responsible for delivering most of the public services in the United States (Cropf, p. 112). Each state has the power to regulate the conduct of individuals within the borders of a state in order to protect the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the citizens of the states. In other words the state must act in the public’s best interest within the state to regulate human conduct to safeguard and promote the general welfare, or common good of the state. As states are given additional power, one result is extra legislation emerging from the states dealing with a broader number of problems. This drive is controlled by the certainty that giving states more flexibility permits them to better address local issues. They need to design a long-term plan which would help reduce fiscal deficits in the years to come. I feel this would restore confidence in the markets, keep interest rates from going up and encourage superior self-assurance and confidence about future tax and spending policies, in this manner encouraging businesses to entrust their resources to creating more jobs. The Affordable Care Act puts people, not health insurance companies or government, in charge of health care and the new law strengthens the existing employer-based health insurance market while making the market fair for consumers by implementing landmark consumer protections (The White House). In a federal system, the national government holds important power, but the lesser political subdivisions also hold important power. Federal systems are chosen for a number of reasons. The size of the nation might be one concern; the diversity of the political subdivisions might be another. The United States combines a bit of both: the size of the continental United States made a unitary system unwieldy, and the diverse interests of the states made confederation impossible (U. S. Constitution Online). Federalism in the United States has progressed somewhat a bit since it was first implemented in 1787. References Cropf, R. (2008). American public administration: public service for the 21st century. New York, NY: Pearson Longman. The White House. President Barack Obama. Retrieved on July 8, 2011 from whitehouse. gov/ U. S. Constitution Online. (1995-2011). Retrieved on July 9, 2011 from usconstitution. net/index. html

Monday, November 25, 2019

The 12 Best Time Management Tips, Skills, and Strategies

The 12 Best Time Management Tips, Skills, and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you hear successful people talk about the secret to their success, time management often comes up. But what is this vague and elusive â€Å"time management† they’re talking about? What does time management look like in practice, and how do you make it happen when you’re already stretched thin and overwhelmed? It’s important for anyone who’s busy, overcommitted, or stressed to have an arsenal of concrete, effective time management skills to lean on when things get tough...and when things are easy too! Our expert time management tips will help you make decisions about how to implement time management skills and techniques to organize and guide your daily life, through the good times and bad. After reading our guide to time management, you’ll be prepared to design a personalized time management strategy based on the skills and techniques you learn about here. In this guide, we’re going to cover the following info for you: What is time management, and why is it useful? Top time management tips for reducing stress and increasing success Best tools to support your time management strategies So take some deep, calming breaths and settle in to discover some effective time management techniques! What Is Time Management? Why Is It Useful? When some people think about time management, the first thing that comes to mind is a meticulously color-coded planner clutched tightly between the jittery hands of the student body president or class valedictorian. While well-organized planners can definitely be involved in effective time management, time management is more than just those things. Time management is kind of a creative process: it’s curating the time that you have in your life. Think about what a museum curator does: they select, organize, and look after the items in a collection or exhibit. You’re essentially trying to do the same thing. If your life is the collection or exhibit, then your time, health, responsibilities, commitments, and goals are the â€Å"items† that you need to learn how to â€Å"select, organize, and look after.† Curators want museum exhibits to be beautiful and meaningful, right? We know you want the same thing for your life! That’s why thinking about time management as a creative, strategic process can be a really important mindset for you to take on. Thinking about time management in this way is important because- and you probably already know this from personal experience- everyone is stressed out. Really stressed out. How do we know this? Because teens said so themselves in a 2014 poll. In fact, nearly half of the teens self-reported that they were not doing enough to manage their stress, and 34 percent believed their stress would increase in the coming year. Additionally, most American adults are spending 40 percent of their time at work, and stress-related illnesses account for more than $190 billion dollars in health care costs per year. (That’s a lot!) So how do you transition from being totally stressed and overwhelmed to curating all the â€Å"items† in your life that probably feel like they’re the main source of your stress? By learning about different time management skills, making careful decisions about what will work best for you, and designing an approach to time management that makes you feel strong and confident. Does that sound like hard work? It can be, but it’s hard work that’s totally worth it in the long run. The first step to designing your own approach to time management- techniques, skills, and mindsets included- is learning about concrete actions you can take to manage your time. So let’s take a look at seven concrete actions you can take in our list of top time management tips! Our time management tips will help you stay cool, calm, and collected (unlike this girl, who's definitely stressed out). Our Top 7 Time Management Tips for Reducing Stress and Finding Success To help you become a curator of the â€Å"items† in your life, we’ve done the research and compiled a list of seven tips for effective time management for you. Now, remember: you know yourself and the items in your life better than anyone, so be choosy as you read our list of time management tips! (If you try to incorporate them all, you’re only going to end us more stressed out.) So as you look through our tips, make sure you consider what will work best for you, and then start imagining how you want your time management strategies to look. Tip #1: Assess the â€Å"Items† in Your Life Through a Time Audit We’ll talk more about tools you can use to do this later, but we think a good place to start with developing your time management strategy is assessing the â€Å"items† in your life: those responsibilities, commitments, and goals that make up the exhibit that is your life. You can’t curate something until you know what materials you’re dealing with, right? So start there. One approach that many time management experts swear by is the time audit. A time audit might sound scary, but it’s actually super easy to do. Just select an amount of time- seven days is often recommended- and keep record of how you spend your time throughout each day in that designated time frame. Why do a time audit? Because taking inventory of how you’re currently spending your time can help you identify the changes you need to make. When you do a time audit, you’re supposed to record everything . . . including the hour-long â€Å"break† you took to watch Instagram stories while you were supposed to be studying for your history exam. Once you’ve done a time audit, you’ll have another nifty resource on your hands: a list of all of your weekly responsibilities and tasks. You could develop the list from your time audit into a comprehensive list of recurring tasks and responsibilities, then evaluate the items on that list, KonMari style: for each task or commitment on your list, ask yourself, â€Å"Does this spark joy?† Then, keep or discard accordingly. Of course, we know you can’t â€Å"discard† your required math or English courses...but lots of students overwhelm their schedules with tons of extracurriculars because they believe that quantity equals quality to college admissions committees. Additionally, you’ll also figure out where you’re wasting the most time. (Hint: it’s probably the Internet.) Here’s a reality check for you, though: college admissions committees are more interested in seeing your commitment to excellence in a few well-chosen extracurriculars than in seeing that you were a member of a bunch of different clubs or organizations. Taking your list of responsibilities and commitments to task through the KonMari method can help you shave that list down so it only includes things that enable you to grow, thrive, and achieve results that are meaningful to you and to college admissions committees. Win-win! Tip #2: Learn More About Yourself Since you’re the primary curator of your time (at least, in an ideal world), it’s worth it to assess yourself as a part of your time management strategy development, on top of assessing all of the other â€Å"items† in your life. This one’s more of a meta-tip- we’re asking you to really think about who you are, how you function, your strengths and weaknesses, your needs...we’re asking you to self-assess, and then to make plans for time management based on that self-assessment. And, here’s another plus: self-assessing can actually be a ton of fun. Have you ever taken a personality quiz? We recommend setting aside some time to take a personality test or two, then seeing if the results tell you anything new about your personality. That’s one great way to self-assess! Some personality assessments that are commonly used in workplace environments and by colleges and universities include the StrengthsQuest, the Myers Briggs, and the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator. (You can even take a Sorting Hat Quiz, which isn’t official, but it is fun.) So what exactly can you learn from personality tests that might help with your time management? Well, personality tests usually generate reports based on your responses that provide an analysis of things like: How you perceive the world How you make decisions What motivates you and what stresses you out Your top strengths and weaknesses How you respond to external pressures, like interruptions, distractions, or others’ expectations How you function in interpersonal relationships, like in a team environment or workplace Can learning about these aspects of your personality help you design effective time management strategies? You betcha. We recommend taking your results from these tests with a grain of salt, since no personality test out there is perfect, but getting to know yourself a little better can be really helpful when you sit down to make decisions about your time management strategy. Tip #3: Take Time to Make a Plan and Prioritize We’re going to talk more later about actual tools you can use to keep track of the plans you make, but right now, we just want to emphasize this: making a plan for your week, for your day, and for long-term tasks and projects is extremely important. In order to create plans that prioritize urgent items and make the most effective use of your time, management experts recommend focusing first on effectiveness, then efficiency. We’ll break those concepts down into concrete actions next! Focus on Effectiveness To make a solid plan, first assess the expectations, goals, or outcomes for your day, week, or specific task or project. Take ten minutes in the evenings to evaluate your goals for the next day and sketch out a plan for how you want to achieve those goals. Do the same thing at the beginning of every week. Map out which tasks you want to complete in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and how much time you think it should take to meet your goals for those tasks. Then do the same thing for long-term or multi-step tasks or projects. Carefully read the assignment sheet your teacher gave you for that research paper or final project. Highlight it and annotate it. Ask yourself or others: What should the finished product look like? Who else is involved in this task, and how do I get them to actively participate? What tools, resources, or information do I need to acquire in order to complete this task? Making plans is good. Letting your goals guide your planning makes your plans is even better! Focus on Efficiency The second step to making effective plans involves breaking your tasks or projects down into manageable pieces or stages. As you build your plans, start by asking yourself some questions: When must the entire task be completed, and how much time will it take? Which parts of the task are going to be the most challenging or time-consuming? Which parts of the task can I complete or prepare for early? Breaking big tasks down into smaller pieces can help you allocate your time to completion of that task appropriately. Breaking big tasks down into smaller pieces can also be really helpful if you’re prone to procrastination, or if you get so anxious about big, overwhelming tasks that you can’t get work done. A couple of tried and true approaches to getting yourself going on tasks you really don’t want to do include the â€Å"Swiss Cheese† Approach and the Pomodoro Technique. These methods have some differences, but both encourage you to allocate a small amount of time to working on something- say, twenty minutes- and getting one small piece of it done. Advocates of the Swiss Cheese Approach and the Pomodoro Technique claim that just getting started and getting a little bit done can often give you the confidence you need to push through and finish the bigger task. Even if that’s not the case- or if you don’t have time to finish the entire task in one sitting- these techniques help you chip away at a big task or project over time. If you’ve planned well, you should have plenty of time to complete big projects incrementally and meet both your goals and deadlines. When you're dialed in and focused, you maximize your time. Tip #4: Curate Your Environment Into a Full-Focus Zone Another key to managing your time well is managing your environment. But what does it mean to manage your environment? Here’s an example: researchers have found that increasing natural light in work environments can increase workers’ productivity by reducing negative factors like eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision. In other words, we’re talking here about how your physical environment affects what you get out of your available time. Now, we know that you have minimal control over your environment at school. But what about when the final bell rings and your time becomes yours again? That’s when you can really take ownership of curating a work environment that enables you to meet your goals and work efficiently. Some questions you can ask yourself to help curate your environment to maximize your time include: How does my workspace make me feel? Calm? Jittery? Restless? What could I change about this space to make it suit my needs? What is distracting me in this space, and is there a way to eliminate that distraction? What sounds, smells, tastes, textures, or visuals motivate me and help me focus, and how can I incorporate them into this space? Simple questions, right? But maybe you haven’t thought about your workspace in this way before. Maybe helping you focus and get your work done is just a matter of filling your workspace with some natural light, finding a more comfortable chair, or turning off your phone until you get your urgent tasks completed. So evaluate your workspace and figure out what’s best for you. Working in a space that works for you will decrease the amount of time you spend on physical distractions, which means you’ll be using your time more effectively! Tip #5: Take A Breather Managing your time effectively isn’t just about penciling work into every available second in your day. It’s also about scheduling in breaks so that you can get more out of your work time. Taking planned, meaningful breaks can replenish your energy and motivation when you start feeling sluggish or distracted. Taking a breather is an important time management technique! You could use the self-assessments that we talked about earlier to help you decide how to approach taking breaks. Taking fifteen minutes to stretch, grab a snack, or walk around outside for a few minutes can all be reinvigorating, but you’ll ultimately want to spend your break time doing something that works for you. What we don’t recommend is spending your break times doing something that could easily spill over into the next thing on your schedule, especially if that will make you anxious or upset. For example, if you pick up your phone to scroll through social media and you know you’re going to have a really hard time putting it down and focusing on your work again, just don’t get on social media. Save it for later, when your work is done. Work is important, but it's equally important to make time to relax! Tip #6: Make Time for the Things That Sustain You... You probably know people who skip meals, guzzle energy drinks, or only sleep three hours a night because they’re so busy and stressed. But research shows that sleep deprivation can contribute to various health problems and have negative effects on mood, memory, and concentration. And it’s pretty difficult to thrive if you aren’t fueling your body and brain properly. We understand that, when you’re already stressed and overwhelmed by the mountain of things you have to do, spending valuable time on eating, sleeping, exercise, and leisure can feel like a waste. The problem is, if you don’t dedicate some of your time to doing these things well also, it’s going to hurt your productivity in other areas. So make time to eat healthy, nourishing food, if you can. Take your time eating- enjoy it. Try to get eight hours of good sleep a night. Exercise in a way that makes you feel strong. Pay attention to how your body is responding to the pace of your life. Spend meaningful time with your family and friends. And reward yourself when you meet a goal! You work hard! You deserve to spend some of your time on meaningful activities besides work. Doing so will increase your positivity, and you can use that to catalyze productivity during your working hours as well. Tip #7: ...And Eliminate the Small Things That Don’t Saying â€Å"no† to things is easier said than done, but this is an essential part of effective time management. Even the most talented people can’t do everything, and they shouldn’t try. In order to be excellent at the things that you really want to do, you have to have enough time to learn, grow, and invest in those things...which unfortunately means you’ll have to say no to other things. Now, we’re not talking here about resigning from your officer position in the National Honor Society or dropping varsity choir. We’re talking about developing an instinct for when to say â€Å"no† to the little things that add up over time. These are the things that come up in the middle of the week that you didn’t plan for, the little favors or extra tasks that you’re randomly asked to take on. For example, if you hold leadership positions in organizations you’re involved in or if you’re known for being a high achiever in your extracurricular activities, your advisors or peers might ask you to take on more and more responsibilities because they know you’re awesome. But what can end up happening is that the same people take responsibility for things over and over, even though there are plenty of other people with extra time on their hands and not a lot to do. You could think of saying â€Å"no† to taking on more small things as an opportunity to let other people step up and learn how to lead or take responsibility. If you’re swamped one week and someone asks you to take on an extra task at your student council meeting, consider saying something like, â€Å"My plate is already pretty full this week, but I think Emma would do a fantastic job managing that task. I’ll come with you to ask her if she’d be willing to take the lead on that.† Saying â€Å"no† gives you more time to excel at the things that are meaningful to you. It also helps clear the clutter out of your brain and your to-do list. One of the neatest benefits, though, is that it gives other people the opportunity to shine. Who would’ve thought that effective time management could have such amazing benefits? Good time management comes down to having the right tools for the job. (Probably not these tools...but you never know!) 5 Best Tools To Support Your Time Management Strategies Now that you’ve read our top seven time management tips, we also want to hook you up with some time management tools that can play a role in growing your time management skills. Here’s the bottom line about time management tools: whether you choose from our list below or do your own research, it can be extremely helpful- even essential, for some people- to consistently use specific time management tools that support your developing time management skills. We live in a fast-paced world, and you don’t have to do it all on your own! We’re going to look at five different types of time management tools that you can use for different approaches to time management. Check them out and decide what works for you! Tool #1: Paper Planners Paper, you say? Nothing new and flashy about that. That may be true, but physically writing things down by hand helps you process information on a deeper level, which can help with mental recall later on. So that’s one big advantage of keeping a paper planner. If your school has strict rules about whipping out digital technology during or in between classes, a paper planner might be a good choice as well. Plus, there are a ton of options out there for planners that are aesthetically pleasing and designed for optimal productivity that also won’t break the bank. And an added benefit is that you can choose a design that fits both your needs and your personality! Advantages: Won’t crash when the WiFi does; fully high school-approved; great for detail retention; affordable (if you want it to be!) Cost: $8+ Tool #2: RescueTime If you’ve already been looking into time management apps, you’ve probably seen RescueTime mentioned all over the place. RescueTime runs securely in the background on your computer or mobile device, tracks your time spent on apps and websites, then generates a detailed report that lets you know how you spent your time that day. If you found the idea of doing a time audit (mentioned above in Tip #1) really appealing, RescueTime might be the app for you. Once you’ve used RescueTime to assess how you spend your time on your digital devices, you can even use it to set alerts that let you know how much time you’ve spent on a certain activity, block distracting websites for designated periods of time, and log highlights about what you accomplished during the day. If you’re looking for help actually managing your time spent on various tasks throughout your day, check out RescueTime! Advantages: Performs a daily time audit for you; keeps you accountable to your goals and schedule; manages distractions; supported by macOS, Linux, Android, and Windows platforms. Cost: The Lite plan is free, and you can upgrade to Premium for $9/month. Tool #3: Be Focused If you’re one of those people who gets easily overwhelmed by big picture stuff or you thought the Pomodoro Method (Tip #3) sounded cool, try out Be Focused, an app that segments out your workflow into timed increments and designated breaks. You can set your timed work increments and breaks to time frames of your choosing, and the app also generates a pie chart reporting how much time you spent on a given task and tracking your progress. In other words, it lets you add time-conscious structure to your day! There’s one downside to Be Focused, though. Unfortunately, this app is only available for iOS devices, but if you’re looking for a similar app for other devices, take a look at focus booster. Advantages: Handles the Pomodoro Technique for you; runs pre-programmed timers that you can use to guide your workflow Cost: $1.99 Tool #4: Google Apps This one’s a classic. Google Apps provides you with a lot of capabilities: emailing, archiving and organizing your files, creating slide presentations, and keeping up with a calendar are just a few. While you don’t have to use all of Google’s apps, if you’re interested in centralizing your schedule, email, contacts, and project files, this is a great option. Google’s can also be super helpful if you have to do a lot of collaborative projects, papers, presentations, or planning for events and activities too. Google Drive allows you to share media files with anyone who has an email address, and you can create and edit files collaboratively using Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Slides. And even better: the only thing you have to do to access these powerful tools is sign up for a Google account! There’s also a strong possibility that your future college or university will assign you a Google account once you get on campus, so getting familiar with the many different ways that Google Apps can aid you in your academic career right now could give you a jumpstart on being an A+ college student in the future. Advantages: Accessible wherever there’s an Internet connection; usually school-approved; lets you store everything in one place; easy file-sharing and collaboration capabilities; usable on mobile and desktop Cost: Free! Tool #5: Evernote If you’re a compulsive note taker or list maker, take a look at Evernote. Evernote provides a central location where you can store and organize notes, voice recordings, pictures, and videos. This app might also interest you if you like to meticulously archive your notes and materials using some kind of intricate organizational system of your own design. This is probably sounding similar to Google Drive, so here are a couple of features that Evernote has that Google Drive doesn’t. Evernote allows you to apply tags to individual notes, so if you have notes that fall under more than one category, for example, you can tag them accordingly. Evernote’s search feature is more granular than Google Drive’s as well: you can search the contents of notes, notebooks (collections of notes), tags, and even attachments. The freedom to design your own organizational strategy could be overwhelming to some people, though, so Evernote might be a great resource to take advantage of when you start feeling really confident in your time management skills. The only downside with this option is that, in order to access Evernote’s full capabilities, you’ll have to upgrade to Evernote Premium, which comes with a monthly fee. If you upgrade to Premium, though, you can access Evernote from any device, even when you don’t have WiFi or mobile data. Advantages: Enormous storage space; multiple options for organizing and labelling content; easy to save content you capture on-the-go straight into Evernote; work from any device, anywhere (with Premium) Cost: Free for Evernote Basic; $7.99/month for Evernote Premium What’s Next? Now that you have all the tips and tricks you need to start managing your time, let’s jump into planning. (Planning is your friend!) But getting started can be a little intimidating, so we’ve created timelines to make things a little easier. Here’s a complete planning guide to studying for the SAT (and one for the ACT, too). Are you a procrastinator struggling to get your time management skills in order? We’ve been there. That’s why we’ve developed cram guides to the SAT and ACT. Click here for the SAT cram guide and here for the ACT cram guide! The trick to getting into the college of your dreams is planning ahead. (Sensing a theme here?) Here’s our guide to choosing the right AP classes for you, so you can make the most of your high school career.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Mezquita Mosque Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Mezquita Mosque - Research Paper Example It is the third largest mosque in the world and also one of the oddest, because it contains a Christian cathedral that was built inside it after the Moors got expelled in 1236. The graceful Moorish architecture combined with the triumphant Baroque cathedral memorializes in stone the conflict between Christianity and Islam that wracked Spain for 700 years. The Mezquita mosque was built in 785 and enlarged four times during the following 200 years; the cathedral was added in the 16th century. (Brockman, 2011, pg. 330) The Mezquita Mosque was founded by Abd ar-Rahman I in 785. Rahman I was the sole survivor of a tribe known as the Umayyards who fled Syria. Before Rahman I, the first Muslims who arrived to Cordoba shared la Mezquita with Christians. Rahman I bought the Christians out and started what would become a seven century dynasty of Muslim rule over Spain. After Rahman I died, he was followed by Abd ar-Rahmann II (822-52), who vastly extended the Mosque in the ninth century and un der Abd ar-Rahman III (912-61), Cordoba rose to become the largest and most prosperous city in Europe. Improvements on the Mosque continued under his son Al-Hakim II (961-76) who doubled its size and hired Greek contractors to build the new Mihrab (huge doorway used as the entrance to the Mezquita), which stands to this day. The final improvement in size, on the mosque, came under Al-Mansour (977-1002). (Ward, pg. 151) The Mezquita Mosque is a patchwork combination of all civilizations that occupied Cordoba. None, however, could bring themselves to destroy the Mosque, so each culture added their own personal touches. (Ward, pg. 151) Cordoba was probably a sophisticated center of the arts from the time of ‘Abd al-Rahman I. Chronicles suggest his keen interest in Syrian culture, which is apparently confirmed by aspects of the Mezquita. (Bloom, J.M., and Blair, S., 2009, pg. 506) The mosque began as the Christian Visigothic church of St. Vincent around 600, which was in turn buil t on the ruins of a Roman temple. In 784, the local emir bought it and began replacing it with the mosque. It got enlarged and embellished over the next two hundred years. (Brockman, 2011, pg. 331) The architectural uniqueness of the Mezquita lies in the fact that it was a revolutionary building for its time, structurally speaking. It defied precedents. Both Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock and the Great Mosque in Damascus had vertical, navelike designs, but the aim of the Mezquita mosque was to create an infinitely spacious, democratically horizontal and classic space, where the spirit could roam freely and communicate easily with God. The original space of Islamic prayer (normally the open yard of a desert home) was transformed into a 14,400 square meter metaphor for the desert itself. Men prayed side by side on the argamasa, a floor made of compact, reddish slaked lime and sand. A flat roof, decorated with gold and multicolored motifs, shaded them from the sun. The orange pati o, where the ablution fountains gurgled with water, was the oasis. The terracotta and white striped arches indicated a hallucinogenic forest of date palms, and upheld the roof with over one thousand columns, 1293 to be precise, (856 of which remain). (Ham, 2010, pg 204) Construction of the Mezquita It is almost certain that the building that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teamwork and Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Teamwork and Motivation - Essay Example Innovation and increased productivity are possible if employees are trained and educationally motivated. Continuous learning and employee training should be planned by the organization through their tenure at some regular interval of time. This not only results to higher motivation but also lower turnover. Training also prepares employees to assume more control over their jobs and less supervision, thus building better employee loyalty, satisfaction, and motivation.In the motivation plan, continuous evaluation in a specific cycle should be a must do for the primary aim of measuring progress and determining needs for improvements. This will entail measurement of attitudes, morale, and workforce motivation to determine ways in which the design and implementation of the plan at least once for a year (Deming, 2013).A true competitive advantage for an organization is achieved through well trained and motivated human resource co-ordinating their efforts and energy vitally for the entityâ⠂¬â„¢s goals of accelerating performance, lowering turnover and increasing productivity.In supporting the elements the two-factor theory (Hygiene-theory) by Fredrick Herzberg can be used in order to understand the factors influencing peoples' attitudes and work. According to this theory, satisfaction is caused by (satisfiers) factors related to work itself, achievement, recognition, and responsibility. He argues that motivation is an inner force driving individuals to personal and organizational goal attainment.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Role of a Mentor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Role of a Mentor - Essay Example As the essay stresses the learning opportunities provided by the mentor to the students are immense .In order for mentors to develop and evaluate the quality of the learning environment they need to develop trusting relationships with the students. At the start of the placement they should give the students an orientation pack or welcome pack. This is required by the students for the purpose of gaining information which will help in facilitating the learning and will help the experience of practice placement. A mentor who has developed a good working relationship with a student is in a better position to obtain honest feedback on their placement experience. This paper declares that from the NMC guidelines, the practice areas will be using evaluation results in developing the practice learning opportunities in their respective areas. Student feedback on an individual basis and overall evaluation, guides the mentor in gauging their mentoring performance as well as identifying changes that could be implemented in the practice area for the improvement of the learning experience of the students. The evaluation results will also be reviewed within the learning area. The students are required to conduct a formal evaluation at the end of placement. This will help in providing evidence of the experience the pre and post registration nurse have had in their placement education. An alternative method of evaluation is that of informal feedback. Both these methods provide evidence of both positive areas which as well as highlight the difficult areas and areas which prevented skill generation (Pinfield et al, 2011). The NMC guidelines and standards s tate that the students are required on a formal basis, to evaluate their practice and learning opportunities. This is sometimes done through online survey at time they return to the university however the disadvantage is that the ward/unit may not always get that evaluation feedback. The students are asked to respond to a series of questions associated with the practice

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Change Management Of Starbucks

Change Management Of Starbucks The current international situation for Starbucks seems to be part of their business and the reorganization of an emerging proved by become so his goal of becoming a world leader in a difference in peoples lives makes the whole world. This is achieved very close to as evidenced by Starbucks in international current markets and the success of these companies. However, net revenue roce 3 percent to $ 2.5 billion for the quarter the fourth 2011 compared to $ 2.4 billion in the fourth quarter 2007th quarter of Close 28 13-week period September 2011 reports, Starbucks recorded a net profit of $ 5.4 million to $ 105.1million in restructuring charges and other processing costs of the strategy included. Net income was $ 158.5 million for the same period a year Mr. Go re blast actions announced in July 2011, to close at approximately600 stores in the U.S. and 61 operated stores companies in Australia, and reduce by about 1000 and opened in filled positions leadership structure and non-store o rganization The Porter Five Forces Analysis and SWOT matrix (see appendix) shows that besides the basic strategies of Starbucks, the external environment and internal characteristics of the organization Starbucks offer a favorable condition for growth to be used. The only significant threat of competition from the entry of new competitors. Porter has already recognized that the rivalry is intense in a particular area, at least reduce the rate of profit for the company or industry players (1998). Therefore, Starbucks profits dropped last year because of the increasing intensity of competition in the industry. Outside the competition has exacerbated the economic crisis, the situation so that customers spend less and reduce the number of times they visit a Starbucks that store sales decline in Starbucks stores. However, because of its long experience and reputation of the brand, Starbucks is still the dominant player in the specialty coffee sector. This allows the company to use that position to ta ke advantage of himself and the pressure on its competitors. But the question is, and Why now is the lack of Starbucks? Despite its remains the dominant player in this sector, what happened to his companys strategy? These questions have been answered already made in the analysis of the value chain in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate strategies to implement a shift in business model and business processes. Recommended strategies and actions After determining the causes of the current decline of Starbucks, it is necessary to formulate a plan to address these problems. change can not, without specifying the actions undertaken to achieve. As important issues have already been identified, strategies to mitigate these problems to make. Proctor (2000) states.Thus, based on the above assessments, is the following recommendations. Formulate marketing marketing is an important factor in any society. As noted above, the Company not yet established a marketing plan to attract a gap in the supply chain (see Appendix ), which resulted in a significant deterioration in the company history, brand image / reputation. The company must have a direction in the field of marketing to improve their image and reputation. Marketing is not only super positions of advertising activity. marketing planning is a process by which organizations seek to understand market conditions and the needs and preferences of customers, while taking account of other organizations that compete on the market (Bradley 2003). It is to satisfy the customer wants and needs, and managing relationships with stakeholders (Proctor, 2000). Printers (1954) also noted that a company only two functions, which one is the marketing and the other is innovation. The goal of marketing is to create new customers and communicate with all its stakeholders (customers, shareholders and employees). A company can not set effectively implement any action, if no communication was made with all stakeholders. It is t he role of marketing. In the case of Starbucks, it makes little reference to marketing, as evidenced by the small part of the budget allocation for the so-called value-added activities. It seems that the company is its strong operational skills more in the way marketing has been placed in the lateral line dependent. Although they have already worked to justify the change of conditions market should begin to focus the company and marketing. Competitive advantage can be obtained and maintained with the help of marketing. Proctor (2000) argues that competitive advantage should be guided by the market. Printers (1954) found that marketing is the distinction, the function of a single company. We must focus on Starbucks a significant amount of resources in improving its marketing activities. To gain competitive advantage, a company must first define their strategy. An authority in the creation of strategies to gain competitive advantage, Michael Porter. The author defines as a strategy to create a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities (Porter 1998b, p. 55). The marketing strategy is to formulate a different set of activities that are a unique and valuable position to be created in the market. The strategy includes the creation of a plan to identify the market conditions and to identify which market segment, the company will focus on. The objectives should be to provide guidance in the implementation of marketing strategy. He is above that Starbucks is a generic strategy of transactions discussion with emphasis on differentiation have been identified. T his strategy can, however, must now be reviewed and adapted. Starbucks now has to communicate with its customers. Starbucks needs to create new customers and new markets in order to avoid saturation of the current market segment. Its marketing goal should focus on creating new markets and, if necessary, to accommodate new products or product lines to new customers. The company can create new products that appeal to the lower market segment, a segment that the company had not yet fully exploited. Its pricing strategy may vary with the creation of these new products to generate new customers in the lower end of the target market. The company currently markets communications and management practices of the customer relationship must also be changed. As evidenced by the survey online, the customer does not feel a significant improvement in Starbucks. If ever there are improvements that the company has done in recent years, these changes are not effective in communicating to its customer s. These improvements in retail sales or customer / relationship must be communicated with his clients to realize that Starbucks is to improve the Starbucks experience that his clients have disappeared in the company to maintain. On the issue of exclusivity, the company needs to develop its modern luxury to be improved. Although it was recommended earlier that the company to new customers or market segments to create new, its not necessarily a negative effect on the reputation of the brand. What businesses need is a system of rewards and exclusive privileges of membership for its regular customers, especially high-end segment of the market and students who create for the companys traditional customers. Exclusive privileges and rewards for customers, either individually or in groups, can apply to become a regular member in society, such as complimentary wireless and unlimited and / or free coffee or other products times a week can be made. The company is also a function room in a ret ail store that cardholders can use exclusive members. These permissions can help improve brand image and reputation of exclusivity. Apart from that, the fees collected from annual membership fees to obtain a company registration. Improve the management of operations In addition to improving their marketing skills, to improve its management as Starbucks store. Operational efficiency: performing similar activities better than rivals perform them (Porter 1998b). However, operational efficiency is not enough to gain or maintain competitive advantage. Porter (1998b) states that a company exceeds its competitors when it provides greater value for customers or can comparable value at lower cost, or the company must do both. It was also higher than the company has identified gaps in the supply chain with their work. The company is rapidly expanding our business, but the quality of its services or its brand reputation has been sacrificed, which in its descent into or to be similar to a chain of fast food is not perceived as a luxury coffee spout. Starbucks has not been able to offer more value to create the same overpriced coffee. The company needs to store its management by improving the appearance of improving each outing. The company may also be necessary to further improve its customer service and improvements to customer knowledge, as already mentioned. Adding or upgrading facilities and shops ornaments are a new look to retailers. Adding a function room, as indicated above, for its exclusive card carrying members will increase even more the experience of exclusivity and luxury of all the houses of Starbucks Coffee. Also notable in the online survey, the attention of Starbucks customers, where, as a business friendly environment. Thats why the company needs to improve performance by more environmentally friendly. It also has a special focus on fair trade materials, since this practice calls for own customers. The company has aligned its resources to these improvem ents in order to maintain its current position in the market and attract more customers and gain competitive advantages and competitiveness. Improve the market to improve its trading standing order, Starbucks must show that the company is profitable. This is only possible if the company continues to show that it has a lasting order of brand / reputation and image recognition. It has significantly curb the current trend of declining sales and profits. But to do so, the company is to initiate and implement changes within the organization, as recommended above. The stock analysts observe the performance of the shares of Starbucks and profitability. Therefore, the company built its reputation on the significant and important improvement in their marketing and operational activities to show that society is at the head of its future and they continue to improve their current leadership in the industry specialty coffee. Apart from that, the company can demonstrate it has the ability to get into new markets has. In this way, analysts are quick to the high valuation of the company, and investors will not be considered for their money in shares of Starbucks. Improving leadership necessary, especially changes that Starbucks, its leadership must be changed. Not that the manager will be deleted, but their abilities, skills and attitudes need to be improved. No organizational transformation will be complete when the leaders are not likely to change. Organizational change can only occur if the right processes are implemented and leaders have been at the forefront of these activities. Lead the organization / change is not an easy task for a manager or director of a company. This was an attempt that failed due to the supervision of leaders. While Starbucks does not seem to have failed leader, it is necessary that its leaders must know exactly what to avoid when running to changes in the organization. Kotter (2007) identified eight major errors committed by organizations. They are as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Not a big enough sense of urgency; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Do not create a powerful enough guiding coalition; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Without a vision; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Through the mediation of vision by a factor of ten; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Do not remove obstacles to the new vision; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Not systematically planning and creating short-term gains; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Declaring victory too soon, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Not anchoring changes in corporate culture. Starbucks employees should avoid the above error. Above or below average implementation of the above may also lead to failure. Therefore, the implementation of recommended changes should be heads of state and government, what exactly is needed, ie the implementation of plans, as they are formulated. Although in some cases, learning from a transformative experience as a melting pot known effective in creating a leader (Bennis and Thomas, 2002), such events are rare. It is therefore relevant for a guide to education and training to create. A leader of Level 5 is the one with the highest skills in the management hierarchy (Collins 2005). Level 5 leaders are not born, they are created. What is needed is a leader of level 5 is to be a large amount of political will and a useful property of humility (Collins 2005). This property can not necessarily be owned by Starbucks executives to effectively implement changes in the organization and to persuade all the members in action. Manz and Hosta ger Bastien (1991) in their study, a framework that managers can be bi-cycle model to adopt in order to involve members of the organization in change. The first cycle includes the participatory cycle in which employees of State and Government on participation and, while seeking to improve employee development and self-direction. The second round of the connotations of the transaction cycle, that incentives make it easier for a contribution through a process of exchange, in which participants will be met at the personalized vision in exchange for various services. The bicycle model can be used in conjunction with strong political leaders. Starbucks in the organization, which could be effective in implementing the changes recommended above. However, managers, and not all tasks. There is a need to plan some organizational changes and balanced measures to implement this plan. Duck (1993) proposes a system of delegation of tasks within a team. A team model of organizational change is nee ded to complete the organizational transformation. The Director may form a team that is responsible for implementing the changes. The team must also balance their responsibilities by carefully selecting the information to all members of the organization and what they may be denied until the actual implementation, as well as others that are just simply reluctant to change to prevent the creation of steps that would prevent the implementation of changes. As Davison (2003), in any organization, particularly important mentioned, there are always differences between members, whether differences of opinion, perspective, or action. As such, a leader in the art must have the ability to take advantage of these differences. The properties mentioned above or the characteristics of heads of state must be owned by the current direction of Starbucks. The recommended changes in the organization of business processes and models are not easy. These recommendations include a radical change in the org anization requires all members to act. Thus, if the leaders of society to the forefront of this change to be. You must have the necessary qualities of a leader, as described above so that organizational change takes effect. Conclusion and recommendations Change management is the demand of the day for Starbucks. Maybe its time that society needs their existing business models, practices and strategies to see if these models are still adjusting to market conditions. The company in the industry for two decades, and is undoubtedly the industry leader for almost the same time. However, as market conditions change, as evidenced by current events and the continued globalization of markets, the company may need to reform its strategy. Starbucks may have already saturated the market with its current strategy or in a different direction, be the one who walked away from the objective position in the market. As such, the company must implement a change. Management practices may need to be revised. As a printer (1954, p.37) said: It is the client, what a business is determined. In this sense, Starbucks identify what the customer wants, what they need and what they prefer otherwise. As part of its practice in previous years, Starbucks seems to be contained in the expansion alone, unaware of the communication with customers, who have their preferences. Note that the customer changes the taste and preferences are themselves constantly. Therefore, changes in market conditions as well. In this context, Starbucks could monitor changes in customer behavior and market conditions. Thus, in recent months, the performance of Starbucks will continue on a downward trend. It is imperative that the causes of this decline must be identified and measures must be taken. The remedy, however, must be long term, a term that is not short. Although short-term measures are needed to reflect changes in tactics, it is important to set a goal, or that correspond to revise, if necessary, the current goal, the realities of todays business and the future of the company. It was recommended that Starbucks should focus on marketing and improving operational efficiency. Marketing is the missing element in a Starbucks practice in recent years. It is therefor e significant weight given to this area. Apart from that, have the leadership of the company and be transformed. It was recommended that if the leadership of the organization of a certain behavior, characteristics or skills that are necessary to implement the changes that are successful in the organization to accept. Several practices and principles have been described in this document will serve as a guide or reference guide in the practices of leaders and managers of Starbucks. These principles are defined as a product of studies by academics and practitioners in the field of area management, marketing and other economic. It is strongly recommended that Starbucks should implement the change within the organization to maintain the current level of industry and to achieve competitiveness. Reference Abrahamson, E. 2000, Change Without Pain, Harvard Business Review, Reprint, July- August. Bennis, W. and Thomas R. 2002, Crucibles of Leadership, Harvard Business Review, Reprint, September 2002.. Braganza, A. 2001, Radical Process Change: A Best Practice Blueprint, John Wiley Sons, New York. Clark, T. 2007, Starbucked: A Double Tall Tale of Caffeine, Commerce and Culture, Little, Brown and Company, New York. Collins, J. 2005, Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve, Harvard Business Review, Reprint, July-August. Davidson, M. 2003, The Path to Leveraging Difference: Seeing, Understanding and Valuing Difference, Paper Presented to the Darden Graduate School ofBusiness Administration, University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. Drejer, A. 2002, Management and Core Competencies: Theory and Application, Quorum Books, Westport, CT. Drucker P. 1954, The Practice of Management, Harper Row, New York. Duck, J. D. 1993, Managing Change: The Art of Balancing, Harvard Business Review, Reprint, November-December. Humphries, E. and Senden, B. 2000, Leadership and Change: A Dialogue of Theory and Practice, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 25, no. 1. p. 26. Kotter, J. 2007, Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail, Harvard Business Review, January. Larson, R. 2011, Starbucks a Analysis: Past Decisions Future Options, Brown University Economics Department, Providence, RI. Manz, C., Bastien, D. and Hostager, T. 1991, Executive Leadership During Organizational Change: A Bi-Cycle Model, Human Resource Planning, vol. 14, no. 4. p. 275+. Moore, A. 2007, Starbucks Cut to Sell on Slow Growth, Higher Costs, Market Watch [Online] Available at: sell-shares-slip?siteid=yhoof [Accessed on july 18, 2012]. Motley, L.B. 2007, Learning About Customer Satisfaction from Starbucks, ABA Bank Marketing, December, p. 43.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Korematsu vs. United States :: essays research papers

Fred Korematsu was born in the U.S. in 1919. His parents were born in Japan. Since he was born in the U.S. he was a citizen. He grew up like a normal kid in California. As he grew up, his life was normal, until the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were regarded as a threat to the U.S. President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, also know as the Exclusion Order. This Order stated that any descendents or immigrants from enemy nations who might be a threat to U.S. security will report to assembly centers for Internment. There were no trials or hearings. They were forced to evacuate and many lost their homes and their businesses. Fred Korematsu refused to go. He was a U.S. citizen. Fred Korematsu was grabbed by police, handcuffed, and taken to jail. His crime -- defying President Franklin Roosevelt's order that American citizens of Japanese descent report to internment camps This action violated Korematsu’s basic constitutional rights. The fourth amendment states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized." The government’s actions clearly stepped over the boundaries of the constitution. As a U.S. citizen he should not have been pushed around like that. Korematsu decided to take his case to the court. Korematsu’s case first went to regional court. After being turned down there, he then went to the court of appeals. Being turned down there also, his lawyer appealed to the Supreme Court while he was held in the relocation camp. The Supreme Court decided to take his case, but then made the wrong worst decision ever. They decided to uphold the other courts’ decisions by a vote of six to three. Korematsu lost his case. After the war ended, the internment haunted the nation's conscience as well. In 1948 Congress took the first step in making amends, enacting the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act to provide some monetary compensation to those who had lost homes and businesses because of the order. In 1980, Congress again opened the internment issue, and this time a stream of witnesses testified, many of them for the first time, of the hardships and psychological trauma they had suffered.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cultural Wedding Ceremony Comparison

Every country has their own way of marrying two people that want to spend the rest of their life together. Each has their own unique ritual of how they go about a wedding ceremony. African and Chinese cultures both have very intriguing ways of how they proceed with their ceremony. It is found that there are many differences between the two of these cultures. This is a result of their own independent beliefs and traditions which causes them to go about their own unique ritual, although there are few similarities between the two countries. In the Chinese culture the wedding date is chosen based upon astrological signs and birthdates.Every Chinese ceremony commences on the half an hour which is the belief that will guarantee good fortune for the new couple. The night before wedding day the bride is bathed in citrus-infused water in another belief that it will cleanse her of her evil influences. This is the only way in which the two ceremonies are similar because they both consist of the bride being bathed before the wedding, although which is done in their own individual style. The bride in a Chinese wedding will be seen wearing three different dresses throughout wedding day.These dresses include a traditional white dress, a traditional Chinese bridal dress, and a cocktail dress. Also the groom will be placed through a series Mitchell2 of tests and stunts to prove that he is worthy to claim his future wife. When the bride arrives at the grooms’ home she is always greeted with firecrackers, gongs, and is forced to jump over an iron basin lit with charcoal to represent prosperity and to again cleanse of all evil spirits. The Chinese culture with also uphold their traditional tea ceremony. The bride will serve tea to her parents as a sign of respect.The Chinese wedding ceremony is always filled with symbolism. Their ceremony represents a ladder that the new couple will climb to success. On the other hand the African wedding ceremony is a tradition that stems a ll the way back to the days of slavery when slaves were not allowed to marry. Their marriage ceremony is a ritual well-known as â€Å"jumping the broom†. This ritual was created to represent the beginning of their new life together. The new couple will jump over a broom at the same time and are pronounced married after they have done so. The broom is often decorated with ribbon and tulle.On wedding day the bridesmaids bathe the bride in hammam before dressing her previous to the ceremony. During a libation ceremony a prayer is said and an elder presents water and liquor as an offering to god and their ancestors for their blessing. Then the groom will ask permission from the brides’ mother to marry her daughter while presenting her father with gifts to symbolize his ability to care. Another tradition is the tasting of the four elements during the ceremony. The four elements consist of lemon for sour, vinegar for bitter, cayenne for hot, and honey for sweet. The four tas tes are a symbol of the different moods of married life.Sometimes tribes will mound the couples’ wrists with plaited grass when walking down the aisle, and others just hold hands. Mitchell3 The difference between these two countries with their ceremonies represents their freedom of independent beliefs, which leads to separate traditions. Although, the similarities between the two ceremonies are also intriguing. Both wedding rituals consist of a lot of symbolism. Most of the symbolism that is present for both cultures also represents their beliefs, and every time their beliefs are symbolized is how their cultures are shown to be unique.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Louis Riel Essay (Canadian History) Essay

In my opinion Louis Riel was a hero because he fought for the rights of everyone who lived in the northwest, he was rebelling against a government, not a country and he was against acts of violence and loss of life. Furthermore Louis’s acts might be considered crazy by today’s standards but in the 1890’s it was not uncommon or insane. Louis lived in the Red River settlement and wanted to protect their rights but he also fought for the rights of the white settlers in the area and for the natives. Louis was a patriot, he was proud to be Canadian, he just didn’t agree with the government at the time. Louis Riel was a freedom fighter, not a rebel against his country. He was rebelling against the men in government who suppressed his people. â€Å"The entire process which saw the spread of the Canadian Governments imperialistic authority over the west, ignored the people who were there long before England decided to give it to a new country. Riel was a freedom fighter for the west and should be recognized as such. He faced and fought a central Canadian government, ignorant of the west, long before Preston Manning was born.† (Richard Brown, Alberta, July 7th, 1999 If Louis hadn’t stood up for the Meti people, the government would have let them starve and their culture would be lost. Likewise if any minority was treated like that now, they could only be so fortunate to have someone like Louis Riel to stand up for them. Louis was against violence unless it was absolutely necessary. He only wanted to ensure that the people of the Northwest would retain their rights and traditions after the Canadian government took control of the area. When he and his Mati people used violence it was because they had no other options. â€Å"John A MacDonald breaks the law of the time by inducing rebellion.† (Sir Wilfred Laurier Two examples of Riel using non-violent solutions first are when he sent Meti to confront the land surveyors instead of sending them to kill the surveyors. And when he seized fort Garry and its munitions, instead of burning it down or shooting the people inside. His method of not being vicious helped him be victorious in many situations. â€Å"You can be sure that we would have beaten  them had it not been for Louis Riel who always counseled us not to spill their blood† Gabriel Dumont. Today, if someone came up to you and said they were chosen by god to lead their people to freedom would you believe them or laugh and call them insane? Chances are most modern people would do the laughing. But in the 1880’s things were different, people were more religious and it was less than impossible to voice your opinions to the government. Riel lived in a time when the country was still being shaped, new provinces were being formed, and he was not out of line to demand that his people be included. Today we have a responsible government, for example when native people in BC felt cheated out of their ancestors land, our government gave some of the land back and took steps to see that that doesn’t happen again. Ironically this is the same land the post-confederation government took away! When you look at all the facts and consider the time period, Riel doesn’t seem like such a bad guy. He did what any patriotic, freedom loving Canadian would have done in his shoes. Sure some of his beliefs and ideas may have been a little deranged, but when you compare it to all the exemplary things he accomplished, it dosent seam like a big deal. â€Å"I am more convinced everyday that without a single exception I did right†¦ and I have always believed that, as I have acted honestly, the time will come when the people of Canada will see and acknowledge it.† (Louis Riel Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if some of our modern politicians were a little more like Louis Riel.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Education For You

Life is a struggle, sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, but it’s always your choice to consider what you want or need the most. If education improves people’s life style and social environment, it also affects our lives in an undesirable way. I know education is essential in almost every aspect of our lives, but do we really want it to entirely take our place? That is, should we give priority to education only and put everything else behind? People see education from different aspects, but one thing about education that everyone agrees on is that it has done so much, socially and politically, for us. Considering all the improvements and differences that education has made, we are unable to see what it has done to us. Today we see education simply as academic success but that’s not all there is about education. Being yourself, valuing your culture and identity, and remaining in family are the key issues that we should consider when thin king of getting education. The more we are trying hard to achieve academic success, the more we are starting to grow apart from our love ones and it is changing everyone in certain way. According to Jimmy Santiago Baca in, â€Å"Working in The Dark,† â€Å"Only by action, by moving out into the world and confronting and challenging the obstacles, could one learn anything worth knowing.† Usually we have to go out in the world in order to get education and even face lots of problems, but don’t you think sometimes it becomes dilemma for us that we have to chose education over our family or family over education, because there are so few people who get education by not going to school. I am aware of the fact that not all the people have to suffer through these things because who doesn’t want to get education and still remain in culture and family? But it doesn’t always happen this way. Things change, people change. The way we live and where we live doe s affect us in some w... Free Essays on Education For You Free Essays on Education For You Life is a struggle, sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, but it’s always your choice to consider what you want or need the most. If education improves people’s life style and social environment, it also affects our lives in an undesirable way. I know education is essential in almost every aspect of our lives, but do we really want it to entirely take our place? That is, should we give priority to education only and put everything else behind? People see education from different aspects, but one thing about education that everyone agrees on is that it has done so much, socially and politically, for us. Considering all the improvements and differences that education has made, we are unable to see what it has done to us. Today we see education simply as academic success but that’s not all there is about education. Being yourself, valuing your culture and identity, and remaining in family are the key issues that we should consider when thin king of getting education. The more we are trying hard to achieve academic success, the more we are starting to grow apart from our love ones and it is changing everyone in certain way. According to Jimmy Santiago Baca in, â€Å"Working in The Dark,† â€Å"Only by action, by moving out into the world and confronting and challenging the obstacles, could one learn anything worth knowing.† Usually we have to go out in the world in order to get education and even face lots of problems, but don’t you think sometimes it becomes dilemma for us that we have to chose education over our family or family over education, because there are so few people who get education by not going to school. I am aware of the fact that not all the people have to suffer through these things because who doesn’t want to get education and still remain in culture and family? But it doesn’t always happen this way. Things change, people change. The way we live and where we live doe s affect us in some w...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Texas A&M bonfire disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Texas A&M bonfire disaster - Essay Example This critical essay presents a brief look at what can be learnt from the previously mentioned incident and the essay illustrates how communications play an important role in disaster mitigation and emergency response. On November 18, 1999 preparations for the annual Texas A & M University bonfire which used to be an annual event on the eve of the football game between Texas A & M University and its archrival the University of Texas at Austin went horribly wrong when the forty foot stack which was being constructed for the bonfire collapsed. The collapse occurred during the early morning hours on the previously mentioned date. The stack that was being constructed consisted of approximately 5000 logs which were being stacked for a bonfire and as a result of the collapse twelve people died and another twenty - eight had to be hospitalized with serious injuries. 1 The incident was particularly sad because most of those that suffered were young people who were preparing for what was supposed to be an event that had been a part of the university tradition for a long time. The previously mentioned incident was an emergency response incident and although emergency medical personnel from the University Emergency Medical Service were on the scene at the time of the collapse, a 911 call was considered as being appropriate considering the magnitude of the disaster. The first 911 call was received at the City of College Station’s Emergency Communications Center at 02:43 hours and this means that a delay had possibly occurred before it was decided that a call had to be made for further assistance. The caller had reported that the bonfire stack had collapsed at the university campus and that as many as thirty people were suspected to be trapped under logs. Emergency response was swift and the first ambulance and fire teams arrived on the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

American History from 1874 to 2000 Research Paper

American History from 1874 to 2000 - Research Paper Example â€Å"Fix it up or do without† became the motto for the young people coming of age during this time in America’s history. And as with all things historic, this would surely influence what has been referred to popularly as The Greatest Generation, as they entered the years of war that came on the heals of the Great Depression. Identifying a cause of the Great Depression is tricky business. Many people look to the stock market crash of 1929 as an easy answer. This actually wasn’t the real cause of the economic problems, but it was a symptom of a desperately unhealthy economy (Davis 2003). The stock market crash was a severe psychological blow to the American public. Writing this during the Great Recession that started over a year ago, some of the actions of investors in the years preceding the stock market crash of 1929 sounds like dà ©jà   vu. The stock market had for years been a place for the powerful elites of America to get even richer. They had access and knowledge of markets. The ordinary working classes steered clear. During the booming 1920’s this changed. The stock prices were rising so dramatically, middle class citizens were borrowing money to buy more stocks. Getting rich quick was the order of the day. The problem started when European investors started to notice the amount of debt American companies and banks were incurring due to speculative stock purchases. Stock prices began to decline and panic set in. People sold their stock, or attempted to before they lost everything. Banks were swamped with customers that wanted to withdraw money, but there was no money because the banks had purchased speculative stocks that were now worthless. The social and economic fallout from the crash was considerable. By 1932, just three years after the crash manufacturing and agriculture was suffering from deflation. The price of goods and commodities